So once again I take on a [late] blog without inspiration. Thankfully he wonderful past week came to the rescue!!
Firstly I will be giving a bit of blogspace for an artist introduced to me in the past week. Her name is...
And what a stunning artist. I cannot begin to describe how much I enjoy her music. She is Icelandic of origin with music verging on poppy, but still very smooth! Hope you enjoy these two songs.
Next is a song that has recently been brought very close to my heart by a far away friend of mine. A loverly band with a crazy sound, especially in this song! I hope you enjoy as much as I did :)
Finally I would like to use this space to rant about my favourite parts of the closing ceremony of the olympics. Obviously the appearance of One Direction and Ed Sheeran were great, but something else appealed to me even more. I nearly died During Annie Lennox's appearance on stage. The amazing costumes of this scene along with the power of the song was amazing. Truly and utterly loved it! Amazement :)

(Oh yeah, secretly cheered the Spice Girls on...)
That is all. :)