So i was watching showbiz report with my notebook and pencil, ready for the year ahead. And the presenter well he presented. "The Trends are luxurious. we will be seeing a lot of feathers and fur."

and i almost fell right over onto my back. excuse me while i puke on this fluffy trend. THEY DON"T WORK! especially not in a hot country like ours
Recently i was chatting with my friend when she suddenly caused a revelation in my eyes. we keep trying to incorporate European or American trends here and thye don't work. you know why? cause we are different from them all we love being oursleves and that's the point! let's start our own SA Fashion Revolution (Preferably on Some hot Weges ;))
Amen my brother, amen! South African women have curves, we don't really fit into the skinny trends like high waisted trousers or pencil skirts. And if we did try the fur and feathers trend here, we'd just be mistaken for an ostrich or something. Not sexy at all