Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Pilgrimage! Day 3

Wake up at 06:45 for breakfast at seven. So screwed...
Come to the breakfast room and we find out we are not expected for another hour. Yay. Fortunately the staff are super nice and start preparing the meal immediately. We have breakfast half an hour earlier than they expected and later than we expected.

Packed and ready to leave Impilu after two nights' wonderful stay.

Took a taxi to the city so we could visit the youth center. Real taxi ride, with normal city people. Got off two streets early though (the girls were anxious...). Was extremely fun but ended up walking two blocks.

Olive has now officially been declared as the word for a hot guy :P

Got confronted with my habit of wearing flowers behind my ears... I never thought I was making it harder for anyone to accept me. Feeling angry and sad with myself and the world for it. Hard Stuff. Feel strangely exposed after throwing the flower away...

Drank great coffee at a tiny coffee shop. Went for a walk up and down Jozi again. Found the coolest little bar ever! (5 cent floors, chandelier made of lightbulbs, different lampshades outside, wall of books).

Morning coffee
Walking in Juta street

My Reflection in the windows of the peppermint cafe.
Wall of books
Lightbulb chandelier

5 cent floor (worked out, it's about R80 per square meter)

Arrived at the FNB building for lunch. Feeling like a fugitive with my camera. Full three course meal. Fricken amazing. Cheesecake, salad and lamb. Yumyum!!

The Lunch Room at FNB
"Underground Photography" at FNB ;P
View from FNB Lunch Room window

Another walk back to the youth center to pick up our bags. Quick rest there turned into a nap on the roof...

On a taxi out to Brixton. Overloaded with like 15 people in one taxi (max capacity of 12)... Nearly died right there. Stopped for the best Kotas (quarter bunnychow) in the entire Jozi at Jo-Burger Take Aways. Long walk ahead to Riverlea.
Jo-Burger Take Aways

Did i say long walk? UNDERSTATEMENT! Sho. Hectic long walk (had to pee for the last two kilometers). Saw a beautiful sunset :D swear the sleepingbag is conspiring against me. Fell out of my bag AGAIN.

Beautiful Sunset over the sign to Riverlea
People here are refreshingly friendly (and afrikaans!!!!) and really badass on the drums.

Played a series of games with the local church and had some more fun. Praise and worship (yes dancing too) included in the package.

Tired now. Had a wonderful shower and am staying with an awesome guest family. Seriously loving it.

Nighty night. :D


  1. I can't help but wonder which books they used....

    1. Yes that is an EXTREMELY puzzling thought....
