Sunday, 12 February 2012

What does it matter?

This past weekend I was at a school dance for Valentines day and it was wonderful. Mostly because I was having fun with my friends on some music and just over all enjoying myself. And it was about to get better.

About an hour into the dance a very good friend of mine was gracious enough to borrow me her high heels. And so the fun began. For those out there that do not know me, I'm a gay teen. And I'm horrified of drag <as in pee my pants scared>. But I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE high heels or platforms or boots or pretty much any shoe (gender specifications are irrelevant). And so, to the surprise of my friends I was dancing along in heels better than most of the girls could.

The real rouble came afterwards when I actually started receiving people's opinions. Some of my friends were excited to see me get out of my shell and laughed along to the fun we were having. Those were the reactions that I appreciated most. Others just laughed and shook their heads. Some of the kids only stared. Unfortunately there were those of that had called themselves my friends but had reacted with things like "What the hell are you doing in a GIRL's shoes." or later "I'm glad to see that you finally got out of those ladies' shoes." These comments stung most since they came from people whose opinions I hold dear. And they had unfortunately disappointed horribly. And why? Because they did not want to be associated with a boy who breaks society's rules by wearing heels to a dance?

Why does it have to matter when a guy enjoys wearing heels or platforms. If that's how he gets his confidence boost or truly expresses himself then let him be and be thankful for the fact that he doesn't use make-up or tattoos to express himself. Or that he doesn't feel the need to use Shrooms, Drugs or Alcohol to express himself.

I guess I'm using myself as a metaphor here. Accept people, even with their strange preferences. Because ultimately we are all striving to be accepted.

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