Sunday, 9 September 2012

Awesome Denim Bag!

As promised after my long absence, I am making my second post this week!

Again I'm not being extremely insightful or deep in this one, I'm just going to show off a new awesome accessory I got.

I am now proud to introduce to you my Denim Bag:

My Aunt made me this from a denim I actually used to wear myself! Pretty legit if you think bout it. It's a great way to recycle and becomes an amazing fashion accessory. That and, honestly, how many of you would not die for a bag as versatile and unique as this?

Other features (goodness, I've become a Glomail add...) are that the material is sturdy (hello, it's denim?), and that there are pockets everywhere! I have never had as many pockets on me ever before :P

Last but not least (okay, seriously creepy with all the Glomail) is the absolute adorable feature that your original buttons and zip are still on the bag which give it a lovely authentic aesthetic touch.

Oh yeah, that and my friend says she can just imagine a guy standing around with only one of these on him :P

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